Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2014
Successfully Concluded

Under a heated round of applause, Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2014, organized by Fairchild TV, has successfully concluded on December 10th at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Over the past 20 years, the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant has gained international acclamation within the pageant world, providing a platform for Miss Chinese Vancouver contestants to step onto the stage and embark on their beautiful life journeys. This year, under the theme ‘Be my princess; Shine with Elegance’ the 10 finalists have undergone a series of training for the spectacular show tonight. To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Pageant, Fairchild TV showcased 10 past Miss Chinese Vancouver’s, including Bernice Liu, Linda Chung, Leanne Li, Eliza Sam, Gloria Tang and more, along with this year’s 10 contestants' childhood photos in comparison to the 20 beautiful individuals they are today, bringing the audience back in time through the 20 years of Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant.

With the Final set against the backdrop of a royal ball, every stage detail, idea, and contestants' style was designed with the “romance” element in mind, leading guests into a fairy tale world.

The evening was unveiled with an enchanting, world-class acrobatic show among large whimsical props when the 10 contestants debuted in elegant wedding gowns, accompanied by Sunshine Boyz. Each contestant likened herself to a princess of her choice in the self-introduction, and then moved onto voting for Miss Friendship.

Next, the three MCs of the evening, William Hu, Ricky Cheung, and Fred Liu took over the stage with friendliness and revealed talent show details. #1 Jessica Hsu was in the final eight of Sunshine Nation 2012. Her sunny and bright personality shone through as she performed a mesmerizing belly dance as a Middle Eastern princess. #2, Zoe Gu conjured up a dream-like story with magic tricks. #3 Erica Chen employed traditional Chinese instrumentals to create Western tunes, as she played the song Castle in the Sky on the zither, capturing the audience’s attention with the beautiful notes. #4 Fiona Yuen performed a lively ribbon dance, showing off the hard work she has put into slimming her figure. One of the tallest contestants, #5 Vivian Tung glided through the stage in roller-skates and sparklers in hand. #6 Emma Chen played the ukulele while singing a fairy tale theme song creating a passionate Hawaiian ambience. #7 Mindy Huang floated around the stage with her traditional fan dance as a Tang Dynasty princess, highlighting her oriental beauty. #8 Sandra Chou exhibited skill and finesse while dancing with her hula hoop which she only picked up in a few month. #9 Maggie Wu, a ballerina for 17 years, wowed the entire audience with her self-choreographed ballet dance. Lastly #10 Kiki Zou played the piano piece Dream Wedding with each note filled with simple elegance. The 10 contestants’ wide-range of eye-opening talents gained countless applause from the audience.

Apart from individual presentations, the contestants also demonstrated teamwork and flawless synchronization in a trendy K-Pop group dance followed by the most anticipated swimwear segment when the judges each selected a contestant to answer a question to test their wit and eloquence. This year, Fairchild TV is honoured to invite Director of eHealth Strategy Office in the Faculty of Medicine at UBC, Dr. Kendall Ho, veteran performing arts producer Mr. Tom Chiu, renowned stage director Ms. Viktoria Langton, and Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 1998 1strunner up Ms. Natalie Au Kielmann to form the judging panel.

The contestants then appeared in modern casual wear showing off their cool looks with a stylish catwalk accompanied by live music, then came a quick transformation into extravagant evening wear entering from under a beautiful white archway on a swing, setting a romantic atmosphere.

After the competing segments were over, the handsome prince charming Alfred Hui was stealing the spotlight. Alfred began his performance with the theme song from the new drama Tomorrow is Another Day, then amazed the guests with his hit songs, Ant and Youth Anthem. The young and promising artiste brought an highlight to the Pageant, living up to his reputation as the music industry’s rookie king. Lastly, Alfred sang the song Fortune, as he smiled and commented that he was very fortunate to be able to meet the 10 lovely contestants, and wished all of his fans in Vancouver fortune in their lives, his witty comments soothing the contestant’s nerves before the upcoming awards presentation.

Lastly, the 10 contestants returned to the stage in elegant traditional Chinese cheongsams for the awards presentation. After the judging panel’s professional and careful consideration, the winners of the Pageant are as follows:

Winner and: Miss Photogenic :#3 Ercia Chen
1st runner up and Miss Friendship : #9 Maggie Wu
2nd runner up & Dazzling Flair Award: #1 Jessica Hsu
Best Posture Award : #2 Zoe Gu
Outstanding Intelligence Award : #8 Sandra Chou

Winner Erica Chen will be representing Vancouver in the upcoming Miss Chinese International Pageant 2015, and will be competing against delegates from all over the world. We wish Erica Chen the best of luck in the upcoming competition, bringing pride to Vancouver, and carrying on the beautiful legacy.

Special Guests Alfred Hui and William Hu Press Conference

On December 10th, two princes from Hong Kong, special guest performer Alfred Hui and MC William Hu of Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2014, will accompany the ten princesses to stand onstage for a spectacular and romantic performance.

With the Final just days away, the two special guests have arrived in Vancouver to meet with the media in today’s press conference. Under the introduction of MC Mary Lo, handsome William Hu was first to make his appearance. William had performed in Vancouver earlier this year for Super 10. When asked which season of Vancouver he preferred, William answered that the cherry blossom filled April and the festive winter season each has its own unique qualities and are equally fabulous. At the Final, William will be guiding the finalists through the competition with his friendly and approachable charms. Partnering with local hosts Ricky Cheung and Fred Liu to form the best golden MC team, he will sure rock the stage with liveliness and energy.

Next to make an appearance was Alfred Hui. Just arrived in Vancouver a few hours before, Alfred still looked as charismatic as a prince. Since this is his first time as a special guest performer for a beauty pageant, Alfred shyly expressed that he feels privileged to be able to share a stage with the famous beauties of Vancouver. In the past Alfred has worked with former Miss Chinese Vancouver’s such as Linda Chung and Eliza Sam, and praised both girls for their beauty and kindness. MC Mary asked Alfred, a practicing dentist,if he would pay a special attention to the girl’s teeth, to which Alfred commented that he felt girls with flawless teeth also have confident smiles. Alfred made his debut in 2009, and during this short period, has already released four albums. Additionally, his songs Mask, Grandit and Youth Anthem won many awards in Hong Kong, gaining much popularity in the Hong Kong music scene. What songs will Alfred bring to audiences in Vancouver? Please anticipate the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant to find out!

Lastly, Vice President of Fairchild Media Group, Louis Tong, came on stage to present to the two guests with special mementos as a token of appreciation. Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant will be taking place on Wednesday December 10th at 7:55PM, and can be accessed on Fairchild TV West through live broadcast, worldwide through our official website or by mobile app. Tune in to witness the crowning of a new pageant princess!

Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant Contestants Spread Love And Promote Cancer Prevention Efforts

Fairchild TV has always been a proud supporter of the Canadian Cancer Society. Each year, the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant is donated to the CCS as an entertainment highlight for its annual charity gala. In addition, Miss Chinese Vancouver has also taken on the role as Ambassador of Hope for the Canadian Cancer Society since 2009, supporting and participating in various events and fundraisers, promoting cancer prevention awareness efforts, as well as encouraging other youth to be actively involved in charity works.

As 10 kind-hearted angels, the finalists appealed to the public to help fight cancer at the ‘Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant Charity Gala 2014’ press conference on December 8. They each introduced one fruit or vegetable to be part of a healthy and delicious salad since ingredients such as tofu, kale, nuts and orange and yellow vegetables are able to lower risks of cancer.

#1 Jessica Hsu#2 Zoe Gu
#3 Erica Chen#4 Fiona Yuen
#5 Vivian Tung#6 EmmaChen
#7Mindy Huang#8Sandra Chou
#9Maggie Wu#10 Kiki Zou

Representing the Chef Corner Jr. Vancouver team, Champion Kaitlin also attended the press conference to show their support by creating a Christmas gift basket full of their own handmade cookies and pastries to be donated as a silent auction item for the Gala.

Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2014 final will take place on Wednesday December 10th at the Vancouver Convention Center. Please show your support by purchasing tickets to the specular show and enjoy the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant while contributing to a good cause.

Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2014
Press Conference

"Be My Princess; Shine with Elegance". Having gone through countless training sessions, the 10 contestants of Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2014 are ready to shine onstage at the Final on December 10th. Who will be the next "princess" to carry on down the blissful path of the Miss Chinese Vancouver legacy and start a new chapter in their life?

Team Miss Chinese Vancouver has worked their magic on the finalists, liberating each of their potential to the fullest. Today, the 10 contestants are meeting with the public the first time. With an introduction by MC’s Gerald Yang and Cliff Wong, the contestants presented themselves with the theme of ‘princess’ in mind. #1 Jessica Hsu was one of the final 8 contestants of Sunshine Nation in 2012. A vegetarian for 8 years, Jessica likened herself to the Duchess of Cornwall, praising her for the love of animals. #2 Zoe Gu, who is as elegant and beautiful as her name, was inspired by Princess Ann from the film Roman Holiday to be an independent individual.

#1 Jessica HsuZoe Gu

#3 Erica explained with shining eyes that, like Princess Mia, she too, is undergoing an important transformation in her life. Calm and disciplined, #4 Fiona Yuen went through tough diet and fitness training to fulfill her dream at the Pageant. Fiona admired the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton for her kind and charitable heart.

#3 Erica Chen#4 Fiona Yuen

#5 Vivian Tung, who is currently studying fashion design, is proud of her tall and model-like silhouette. Vivian could relate most to Princess Jasmine from Aladdin because of their similar straightforward and goal-oriented personalities. Friendly and approachable #6 Emma Chen compared herself to Rapunzel, who heals people with her magic. A Nutrition Major at the university, Emma wished to use her expertise to promote fitness and healthy lifestyle.

#5 Vivian Tung#6 EmmaChen

#7 Mindy Huang chose Princess PingYang of the Tang Dynasty to represent herself, as they both radiate traditional oriental beauty. While #8 Sandra Chou is an expert in hula dance, herself and Belle from Beauty and the Beast share the same passion for reading.

#7Mindy Huang#8Sandra Chou

Elegant and unique, #9 Maggie Wu was touched by Mulan’s fidelity, while lastly, #10 Kiki Zou, like Cinderella, considered herself brave and not afraid of dreaming high.

#9Maggie Wu#10 Kiki Zou

A glamorous party is not complete without princes. This year, Fairchild TV has invited two handsome princes, Alfred Hui as special guest performer and William Hu as MC, all the way from Hong Kong to the Final. Alfred debuted in 2009 when he participated in the first season of The Voice, and has since released four albums, gaining much fame and popularity. In 2011 Alfred swept up music charts in Hong Kong, winning most major New Singer Awards. His popularity continued in 2012, earning multiple awards with his songs Mask, Grandit, and The Ode of Youth. Young, talented, and handsome, Alfred not only excels in singing, but also writes his own lyrics, always with a profound meaning. Amazingly, despite Alfred’s busy schedule in stardom, he had not given up on his education but has now become a practicing dentist. William Hu, whose performance earlier this year at Super 10 Contest received overwhelmingly positive response, is in fact a veteran event host. 

William Hu, whose performance earlier this year at Super 10 Contest received overwhelmingly positive response, is in fact a veteran event host. William, with all his charisma and friendliness, will join hands with Ricky Cheung and Fred Liu to embark on a fairytale journey with the contestants. Alfred and William’s appeals at the press conference brought much anticipation for the two handsome princes’ upcoming performances.

In search of a new owner of the Pageant crown, a rehearsal was held at the press conference when Vice-President of Fairchild Media Group Louis Tong drew one lucky finalist to put on the Champion’s tiara. The judging panel responsible for selecting the goodwill ambassador Miss Chinese Vancouver 2014 includes Professor of Emergency Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Kendall Ho, 1st Runner-Up of Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 1998, Ms. Natalie Au Kielmann, Hong Kong Performing Arts and Concert Producer, Mr. Tom Chiu, award-winning actress from China and Creative Stage Director, Ms. Viktoria Langton.

This year marks the 8th consecutive year that Fairchild TV is donating the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant as a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society. The Final will take place on Wednesday, December 10th at the Vancouver Convention Centre, airing live at 7:55pm on Fairchild TV West, official website and through the MCVP mobile app. To keep updated with more information on the Pageant, tune in Sunday night at 7:40pm on FTV for the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant segment in “What’s On” or our Facebook page: mcvpcanada or our Weibo .

Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2014
Write Your Theme Song for Life


Cindy Zhong, a 24-year-old university student, made a life changing decision last year when she joined the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant. Cindy first captured the title of Miss Chinese Vancouver ’13 and went on to win 1st Runner-Up of Miss Chinese International Pageant ‘14. Cindy’s journey can be compared to that of Cinderella with the Pageant paving the way for her fairytale dreams to come true. Flashing back on what the Pageant has brought into her life, Cindy expressed, “Fairchild provided all the contestants with training in all aspects, inviting professional instructors to help us improve our posture, stage performance, beauty, dance, manners, and catwalk. Throughout the training, I had learned to present myself with confidence, grace, and beauty”. In addition, with the meticulous styling by the image director, Cindy had truly been transformed into a beautiful gem and shone brightly on stage. Aside from the training, Cindy had experienced the different processes of on and off-screen production, readying her for the Miss Chinese International Pageant in Hong Kong. Even though Cindy’s pipa was unfortunately broken right before her talent performance at the Pageant, Cindy was able to calmly change to singing, still showing off her amazing musical talent and winning 1st Runner-Up in the end.

Happiness in life is not only about appearances; even more important is gaining inner beauty. During the months of Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant training, Cindy and the other contestants actively participated in community service. After being crowned Miss Chinese Vancouver, Cindy took on even more responsibilities as she was honored with the title of Ambassador of Hope for the Canadian Cancer Society and invited to be the MC for its annual fundraising gala. Since then, Cindy has spread her love and care throughout the community including working hard to sell daffodils for the Canadian Cancer Society telethon, visiting the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. nursing home, serving Easter lunch at the Union Gospel Mission in the downtown eastside, bringing Chinese New Year greetings at the Lunar Festival and the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Charity Golf Fundraiser.

Through Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant, Cindy is gathering pieces of her unique experience to write her own theme song for life. Wish to follow in Cindy’s footsteps and begin your own music composition journey? Apply for Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2014! Deadline is Friday September 19th.